„Each step…“, a quote from Paul Salopek, a world hiker

Each step we take is an arrested plunge, a collapse averted, a disaster braked. In this way, to walk becomes an act of faith. We perform it daily: a two-beat miracle—an iambic teetering, a holding on and letting go. For the next seven years I will plummet across the world.

I’m looking forward to his forthcoming book on his experiences, but I guess I have to wait a bit longer because his 7-years-hike is not yet over. A good article on his experiences, attitudes, level of risk-taking: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/19/opinion/paul-salopek-the-case-for-xenophilia.html?em_pos=small&emc=edit_ty_20170519&nl=opinion-today&nl_art=19&nlid=70265992&ref=headline&te=1

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